Introducing Preminder, a simple and free iOS app to add a reminder some interval before a date

Sometimes an app idea comes from a need to scratch one’s own itch. My latest app is such a case: Preminder is a simple and free iOS app to add a reminder to Apple Reminders some number of days, weeks, months, or years before another date.

But why is that useful? I’m glad you asked. A common situation my wife and I have as we travel around the country in our motorhome is that RV parks only allow reserving sites a certain time period ahead. We like to plan our route a year or more in advance, and try to book popular places as early as possible, before they fill up. So given the date we want to arrive, we need to add a reminder six months or 90 days (or whatever their booking window is) before that.

The app is useful for more than campgrounds, though. Some exciting gadget going on sale in 30 days? Add a reminder. Hard-to-get concert tickets becoming available? Need to buy birthday gifts? Add a reminder, easily.

Sure, you could calculate the number of days, or ask a digital assistant to calculate it for you, but it’s much more convenient to be able to just enter when the event is and the desired offset, and have the app do the calculation and add the reminder.

6 months before Date picker Remind before

Want to try it?

Get Preminder 1.0 now — it’s free!