On Twitter, Abbey Jackson asked:
@dejal Love TimeOut! Just noticed on the appstore screenshots an example that shows “Lunch”. Could you share the set up for a daily lunch break at lunch time (rather than a rolling time frame)
— Abbey Jackson (@earthabbey)
Sure! Here’s the Schedule page for my Time Out preferences, showing my Lunchtime break configuration:
There are two important steps to do this: firstly, set the frequency to Every 1 day, and secondly, use the Available options to set a fixed start time of noon. In my example, I have this break only occur on weekdays. I also have the natural break option set to Continue Countdown, since I want the break to start immediately, not get pushed back due to idle time.
Didn’t realize that you can set daily breaks? Yep! Click, arrow, or tab to the units of the duration (“Break for“) and frequency (“Every“) fields to change between various units: seconds, minutes, hours for the duration, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years for the frequency.
As a bonus, here’s my Night break, that tells me to go to bed:
This is similar, but a longer duration. And yes, I did go to bed rather early when this screenshot was taken, as I usually got up at 05:30 (but didn’t get to my Mac till after breakfast).
Hope this helps!