As we wind down the year, let’s review what happened with the Dejal apps in 2024:
Time Out
My popular break reminder tool, Time Out, had four bug-fix updates in 2024, to version 2.9.7. Plus work is underway on a big 3.0 update; more on that in the next blog post.
My pro app to monitor websites and servers for changes and failures, Simon, didn’t need any updates in 2024.
Weather Events
I introduced a major new app in 2024 called Weather Events, available for Mac, Vision, iPad, and iPhone, as a subscription. It saves a record of the weather conditions to your calendar, so you’ll be able to look back at previous weeks, months, and years, and see what the weather was like back then, with support for different locations for each day if desired. Great for someone who travels a lot, like me, or if you just want to keep a long-term record of the weather. Read the introduction in DejalNews #87, and the 1.1 update post for more information.
I also introduced another new app in 2024, called Preminder, available for iPhone, as a free app. A much smaller app, but still useful. It helps with a common issue, where you want to be reminded some number of days, weeks, months, or years before a certain date. It does the date calculation for you. My wife and I use it to get reminders of when a booking window opens up for a campground (e.g. 90 days before our desired arrival), but you could use it to remind you to buy concert or game tickets, buy birthday presents, prepare for some event, or so much more. Read the introductory blog post for more information.
Pack, a simple iPhone app to make it easy to pack for trips, didn’t have any updates in 2024. Now that I take my home with me when I travel, I rarely need to pack suitcases anymore, so I’m unlikely to update it again. It remains a product in my lineup.
Date Stamp
Date Stamp, an iMessage app to provide customizable date stamp stickers, also didn’t have any changes. Since few people seem to use iMessage stickers anymore, I’m unlikely to update this either, but will continue to offer it for as long as it keeps working.
Another New App
Yes, I introduced two new apps, but I also have another new app in the works. More about this in the next blog post.
Dejal also develops macOS and iOS apps for other companies, under the banner of Dejal Consulting.
SheetPlanner is a pro-level outliner, planner, todo, calendar, and more. I spent 2024 working on an iPad edition of the app, plus enhancements to the existing Mac app. Version 5.0 is nearing completion, and I’m really proud of the iPad app; I can’t wait for it to be released.
I have also continued to work on the iOS client for NewsBlur, a popular RSS reader; in 2024 it added a native Mac app, which was a huge addition, plus lots of other enhancements and fixes.
So how’d 2024 go?
It was a relatively quiet year for updates of existing Dejal apps, but saw the addition of two brand-new apps, and work on a major Time Out update. Plus lots of work on my consulting projects.
Thank you
Thank you and welcome to my new customers, and many thanks to the long-term customers who are still enjoying my apps, and of course my consulting clients. I really appreciate your support.