Dejal Store

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Get more info... Time Out Break reminder tool; help support development and get advanced features as a reward!
None No Time Out license at this time
🙂 3-Month Supporter Time Out supporter for three months $3.99
😀 6-Month Supporter Time Out supporter for six months $7.99
😍 12-Month Supporter Time Out supporter for a year $14.99
These one-time purchases do not auto-renew.
Contact Dejal for site or quantity discounts.
Get more info... Simon Monitor sites for changes or failures
None No Simon license at this time
Simon 5 License Simon license enabling an unlimited number of tests
(Also works in Simon 4)
Simon 5 Upgrade Upgrade Simon 4 (or earlier) to version 5 $49.00
Contact Dejal for site or quantity discounts.

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