Dejal year in review: 2022

As we start a new year, let’s review what happened with the Dejal apps in 2022:

Time Out icon Time Out

My popular break reminder tool, Time Out, had a significant update in 2022, to version 2.9, adding a status message in the sidebar to indicate why a break was skipped etc, the ability to schedule and exclude breaks using calendar events, support for Monterey focus, an option to hide the Pause function, new break options to pause or reset an individual break, and much more. It finished the year at version 2.9.1.

Simon icon Simon

My pro app to monitor websites and servers for changes and failures, Simon, had a feature update, to version 5.1. This added the ability to disable rendering a Web Page test, the addition of an automatic data backup, support for macOS Ventura, updated example tests, and several other improvements and fixes.

Pack icon Pack

Pack, a simple iPhone app to make it easy to pack for trips, didn’t have any updates in 2022. Now that I take my home with me when I travel, I rarely need to pack suitcases anymore. So I’m unlikely to update it, though I hope Apple leaves it available. If they eventually decide to remove it due to lack of updates, I’ll have a tough decision on whether to do an update, or discontinue it.

Date Stamp icon Date Stamp

Date Stamp, an iMessage app to provide customizable date stamp stickers, also didn’t have any changes. Since few people seem to use iMessage stickers anymore, I’m unlikely to update this, though I still think it was a fun concept, and turned out really well.

Date Stamp icon New Apps

I also have another couple of new apps in various stages of development. More about those below.


Dejal also produces macOS and iOS apps for other companies, under the banner of Dejal Consulting.

SheetPlanner icon SheetPlanner

SheetPlanner is a pro-level outliner, planner, todo, calendar, and more. I spent 2022 working on an iPad edition of the app, plus work on a new kanban board view in version 4.0, both still in development.

NewsBlur icon NewsBlur

I have also continued to work on the iOS client for NewsBlur, a popular RSS reader. It recently had a big update with a new design and lots of other improvements.

I am currently fully booked up for the next several months at least, but am always interested in talking with potential new clients. If you have a macOS or iOS project you’d like help with (or a custom Simon enhancement), check out my consulting page for more information.

So how’d 2022 go?

The expected update of Time Out to version 2.9 (and 2.9.1) was completed, as was the update of Simon to version 5.1. And I made great progress on my consulting projects, too.

I mentioned a couple of new projects I was noodling on. One is on the back burner, but the other has had significant progress, and I’m using it every day.

What’s next for 2023?

What’s in store for 2023? As mentioned, I’m working on a new app; when not working on my consulting projects, I am concentrating on this new app. It’ll be a few more months before I’ve polished it up for release, but I’m confident that it’ll be this year. I’ve recently updated both Time Out and Simon, so don’t feel too much urgency for their next updates, though I have a lot of stuff planned for Time Out 3.0, so that’ll probably be next. Or I might opt to work on the other new app, since I’m keen to bring that into existence; another app I’d use daily. Scratching one’s own itch is a great motivation for developing an app (that’s how Time Out, Simon, and Pack all came about; Date Stamp was more of a fun idea to catch what could have been a popular new feature on iOS… but sticker apps never really caught on).

I also want to tweak the Dejal website a bit; it still doesn’t support dark mode or responsive design. And I want the new WordPress-based blog to match the style of the rest of the site. Though I’m tempted to farm those out to a web developer; I don’t have time to do it all, or much interest in web technologies.

And on the personal side, my wife and I will continue to explore the country in our motorhome, and blog about it at Sinclair Trails, and post travel timelapses on the YouTube channel (please subscribe!). I hope you’ll follow along there.

Thank you

Thank you and welcome to my new customers, and many thanks to the long-term customers who are still enjoying my apps, and of course my consulting clients. I really appreciate your support.

Simon tip: watching the Yellowstone gate cam

Here’s a fun example of using Simon for a purpose that may not be entirely obvious.

My wife and I had a big trip to Yellowstone National Park coming up, so I was curious about what the traffic was like to get into the park.

Conveniently, Yellowstone has a number of webcams that watch the park, including the west entrance gate, where we’d be entering.

So I thought I could leverage Simon to help me watch it over time — rather than keeping the web page open and watching it throughout the day, I can have Simon capture the webcam images to a local folder, then review at my convenience.

To find the URL of the webcam image, I used Safari’s web inspector:


Then I added a custom service to Simon to download the webcam images to a folder:

Simon service script

That uses the curl command line tool to download the image and save to a local folder; the `date -v+1H +%Y%m%d%H%M%S` part of the path outputs the date and time in the format YYMMDDHHMMSS, adding one hour from my local time zone, since Yellowstone was an hour ahead of me at the time.

To schedule the captures, I added a test in Simon that checks once per minute, using that service. No filters or notifiers needed.

That results in a folder in the Finder with files like this:


I can arrow through them to quickly view them. And I can also do other things, like use the excellent Retrobatch app to convert them to a GIF:


Click to view an example of the resulting GIF, showing the traffic flow from 06:00 to 18:00 on one day (the GIF is 61 MB, despite being scaled, so might take a moment to load); each frame of the GIF represents one minute, six frames per second:

That seems typical; it gets really busy around 06:30, and eases off around 12:30 every day. So a tip for Yellowstone visitors; enter in the afternoon! Of course, that really only works if you’re staying in the park, since it takes ages to get anywhere in the park. It’s a big place.

If you’re curious, I did several posts about this Yellowstone trip on my Sinclair Trails blog. Check it out!

Secret screenshot tips

[Like other recent posts, this is an updated repost of an older post from the previous Dejal blog; here’s the original in the web archive for comparison.]

I take a lot of screenshots while documenting my apps, and for my personal Sinclair Trails blog. While I’ve used third-party tools in the past, Apple’s built-in screenshot tools work really well.

The simplest is the whole-screen screenshot hotkey. Pressing ⇧⌘3 (Shift-Command-3) will save a PNG image of the whole screen (or multiple pictures if you have multiple screens) to the Desktop. (You can change the hotkey via the System Settings ▸ Keyboard ▸ Keyboard Shortcuts ▸ Screenshots options.)

Perhaps slightly less well known is ⌃⇧⌘3 (Control-Shift-Command-3), which saves the screenshot onto the Clipboard. Very handy for pasting into emails and such.

The one I find most useful is ⇧⌘4, though. This displays crosshairs with a coordinate display, and when you click-and-drag out a selection, the coordinates change to the selection size. Very handy. This saves the selected area to a PNG file.

Similarly, ⌃⇧⌘4 saves a selected region to the Clipboard.

These selection screenshot options are even more flexible than that, though. After invoking them, but before dragging a selection, you can press the Spacebar to highlight the window under the crosshairs. Clicking will then take a shot of that window, including the border.

While dragging a selection, there are more options. You can hold the (Shift) key to constrain one axis — to keep the height the same while adjusting the width, or vice versa.

You can also hold the (Option) key to adjust the size around the center point, instead of from the point where you started dragging.

And you can hold the Spacebar in selection mode to reposition the whole selection, keeping the size the same. Very handy.

And you can cancel the screenshot simply by pressing Escape. This can be useful on occasions other than just changing your mind: you can use the screenshot tool as a ruler, measuring the number of pixels of an object by dragging out a selection and reading the size display from the crosshairs, then hit Escape to exit without taking a shot.

Finally, ⌃⇧⌘5 presents an interactive panel that lets you choose between capturing the whole screen, a window, or a selection, or even recording the contents of a window or selection to a video, plus options of where to save it, a delay timer, and more.

Very useful. If anyone knows of any other tricks with the screenshot tools, please let me know!

Simon script example: Show & Screenshot

One of the major strengths of Simon, my website and server monitoring tool, is the flexibility it offers through the ability to write custom scripts in many scripting languages. Simon is plenty useful with the built-in services, filters, and notifiers, but the ability for customers to enhance it themselves makes it even better.

There are several script-based services, filters, and notifiers built in to the app, and others can be downloaded from the Simon Extras page.

One such example is the Show & Screenshot notifier script (click that link to download it). To install it, go to the Notifiers page in Simon, add a new notifier, choose Script for the notifier kind, click the Open Script… button, and choose the downloaded script.

This script simply opens the page in the default web browser, waits a few seconds for the page to render, then takes a screenshot of it. By default it’ll wait 10 seconds, and save to the Desktop, but you can customize those values; enter the path of a folder to save them to (the folder must already exist). Also specify how long to wait before performing the screenshot, in seconds:

Browser screenshot

And of course to use the notifier, specify it in the Notifiers page of a test:

Use notifier

Note that when this notifier is first used, macOS will ask for permission to capture the screen; until you grant that, it’ll capture an empty desktop.

Check out the Simon Extras page for other scripts. And if you create a useful script for Simon, please share it with others!

Simon 5.1 released

I’m pleased to announce the general release of an update of my website and server monitoring app for macOS: Simon version 5.1.

It includes the ability to disable rendering a Web Page test, the addition of an automatic data backup, support for macOS Ventura, updated example tests, and several other improvements and fixes.

Please Note

  • Simon 5.1 requires a minimum of macOS 10.13 (High Sierra).

New Web Page test option to render the page in the Preview

  • Added a new option to the Other page when editing a Web Page test to control whether or not to render the page in the Preview.
  • By default it is on, preserving the usual behavior.
  • But if you turn it off for a test, the Preview pane only shows the HTML source and filter output, instead of the rendered page.
  • Reload the Preview to show or hide the rendered page after changing the option.
  • This option is independent of the “Capture rendered source” option; that will render the page in a separate process.
  • This is useful for performance, or if you want to minimize the risk of malicious JavaScript on the page, or other side effects.

Web Page render option

Added an automatic data backup

  • Once per hour Simon will make a copy of its data into a dated folder within a Backups folder in the data folder.
  • Added a slider on the Advanced settings page to control how many backups to keep; defaults to 10.
  • Set to zero to disable the automatic backups.
  • When the maximum has been reached, it’ll remove older ones, so that half of the backups are for the most recent hours, and half are for previous days.
  • If you need to restore your data, turn off syncing if it’s on, use the new File ▸ Reveal Data Folder menu command to show the data folder in the Finder, quit Simon, then copy the folders from one of the backup folders to replace the Filters, Notifiers, etc folders.
  • If in doubt, contact Dejal for assistance.


Support for Ventura

  • Updated for Ventura (macOS 13), but still compatible back to High Sierra (10.13).

Plus several other improvements

  • Updated the example tests.
  • Added a File ▸ Reveal Data Folder menu command, to show the Simon data folder in the Finder.
  • Added an option on the Advanced settings page to show the Debug menu, as an easier way to toggle it.
  • Fixed filters not completing if the {FilterStatusNumber} variable was used.
  • Fixed an issue with loading data that doesn’t have any reports.
  • Fixed an issue with the font in the script editor and elsewhere.
  • Fixed a localization issue, and updated the French localization.
  • Fixed a crash with the Preview.

Want to try it?

If you are using the Setapp edition, it will handle that update for you.

If you are using the direct edition, you can use the Check for Updates feature in the app to update.

Otherwise, download Simon 5.1 now!

Simon’s preview pane

As you know, Simon is a website and server monitoring tool. This mouthful is to try to describe two of the levels at which Simon operates. At the very basic level, Simon is a very simple utility to watch web pages, and let you know when they change or go down. But Simon has much more depth to it — it enables you to monitor all sorts of internet servers and services, local applications, disk volumes, and more.

The Preview pane has this duality, too. When used with a web-based test (i.e. one using the Web Page service), it displays the rendered web page and graphics on the left (which can be interacted with like in a web browser), and the HTML source, web page headers, and filter output on the right:

Web preview

This is really handy, both to quickly see the page while in Simon, without having to switch to a web browser (which is easy too, via the File ▸ Visit Site command), and when setting up the test in the first place.

The service and filter output are useful, too; you can see the HTML (or other) output, and the output of each filter.

The filters are one of Simon’s key features. This is a page of the test editor, where you can tell Simon to only look at the HTML source between two blocks of text, or find required text, or evaluate numbers, or reformat text, and much more. This enables you to focus on the part of the page you care about, and avoid dynamic portions like banner ads etc. You can easily set this up via the Preview window. With the test editor open, after entering the URL, show the Preview to display the preview of the page. Then search through the HTML source for interesting portions of the text (click in the HTML then press ⌘F to find text), select it, copy the relevant text, and paste into filter fields.

For example, here’s Apple’s RSS feed, with filters to extract and format the title and body text of the latest news:

RSS prevoew

As useful as this is, it’s not done yet. The Preview is also supported by many other services, in a slightly different way. For non-web services, the Preview looks much the same, but without the rendered content. Instead of the HTML source, it shows the output of the service. This is all plain text, since that’s what these services deal with.

For example, here’s the preview of a Ping test:

Ping preview

These services support the filters, too: just like with web pages, you can use filters to analyze the output and extract interesting nuggets.

I hope you’ll use the Preview to good advantage when configuring and using Simon.

Simon’s automatic offline support

A useful feature of Simon is how it handles the situation when your computer loses its internet connection.

People sometimes ask me what Simon does in this situation, concerned that it would count as a failure for tests. Simon is smarter than that, though. Every time it starts a check, it first checks if the computer has a current internet connection, and only then performs the check.

If it determines that your internet connection has been disrupted, it places the test in an “offline” state, where it shows a blinking “lightning bolt” for the status icon until the connection is restored. This offline state doesn’t count as a failure (or success).

Simon works out if you have a connection by seeing if it can resolve one of two popular domain names; if either work, your connection is probably fine, but if both fail, it is likely disconnected. Using two domains avoids a temporary outage of either one.

You can disable this internet connection check on a per-test basis via the Can check when offline checkbox on the test editor’s Options page. This is useful if you want to create a test to notify you when your connection goes down, or for tests that don’t require an internet connection (e.g. using the Application or Script service kinds):

Offline option

Simon 5.1b2 released

A second beta of Simon version 5.1 is now available. Version 5.1b2 just has a few improvements:

  • Added an option on the Advanced settings page to show the Debug menu, as an easier way to toggle it.
  • Updated the example tests.
  • Updated French localization.

As a reminder, version 5.1 includes lots more changes since the previous release, including:

New Web Page test option to render the page in the Preview

  • Added a new option to the Other page when editing a Web Page test to control whether or not to render the page in the Preview.
  • By default it is on, preserving the usual behavior.
  • But if you turn it off for a test, the Preview pane only shows the HTML source and filter output, instead of the rendered page.
  • Reload the Preview to show or hide the rendered page after changing the option.
  • This option is independent of the “Capture rendered source” option; that will render the page in a separate process.
  • This is useful for performance, or if you want to minimize the risk of malicious JavaScript on the page, or other side effects.

Added an automatic data backup

  • Once per hour Simon will make a copy of its data into a dated folder within a Backups folder in the data folder.
  • Added a slider on the Advanced settings page to control how many backups to keep; defaults to 10.
  • Set to zero to disable the automatic backups.
  • When the maximum has been reached, it’ll remove older ones, so that half of the backups are for the most recent hours, and half are for previous days.
  • If you need to restore your data, turn off syncing if it’s on, use the new File ▸ Reveal Data Folder menu command to show the data folder in the Finder, quit Simon, then copy the folders from one of the backup folders to replace the Filters, Notifiers, etc folders.
  • If in doubt, contact Dejal for assistance.

Support for Ventura

  • Updated for Ventura (macOS 13), but still compatible back to High Sierra (10.13).

Plus several other improvements

  • Added a File ▸ Reveal Data Folder menu command, to show the Simon data folder in the Finder.
  • Fixed filters not completing if the {FilterStatusNumber} variable was used.
  • Fixed an issue with loading data that doesn’t have any reports.
  • Fixed an issue with the font in the script editor and elsewhere.
  • Fixed a localization issue.
  • Fixed a crash with the Preview.

Want to try it?

If you are using the direct edition, you can change your Updates settings to include beta releases, then use the Check for Updates feature in the app to update.

Otherwise, download the beta now!

Can Simon notify via email?

I sometimes receive a question from a potential customer, asking whether Simon has the ability to send a notification via email.

Although I do mention it in a number of places, this isn’t an unreasonable question, particularly if you just download Simon and start playing with it, as no email options appear in the list of available notifiers in the Edit Test pane by default.

Why is this? Because unlike the Speech and Sound kinds of notifiers, the Email one requires some configuration before it can be used, so it can’t be offered by default.

The way notifiers work is (I hope) pretty intuitive, but a little indirect. Simon provides a number of notifier kinds that do the work of notifications, and you configure notifiers to use those, then choose notifiers for each test.

These levels of abstraction allow easy re-use of notifiers: a single kind of notifier can be used by multiple notifiers, and a single notifier can be used by multiple tests, without having to set up the same things over and over again.

For example, you can add a notifier to email yourself for some failures, another email notifier to your clients for other failures, another one for recoveries, and so on, and use whichever ones of those are desired in tens or hundreds of tests, as required, as simply as choosing them from a pop-up menu.

So, as I said, there is no email notifier set up by default, since it needs configuration, but you can easily add one. If you’re editing a test and realize that you want to receive an email when this test changes, fails, and/or recovers, you can click the New Notifier… button in the Notifiers section of the Edit Test pane, which will switch to the Notifiers page, and start editing a new notifier. You can then choose Email from the Notifier Kind pop-up menu, and the controls below will change to those for an email, with a sample email pre-populated, which you can edit as desired:

New notifier

You can then configure the email To etc fields, plus switch to the Name page to give the notifier a name, and perhaps the Options page to indicate whether this notifier is available for changes, failures and/or recoveries.

Once it all looks good, click Done to save the notifier. You can check that it is set up correctly by choosing the File ▸ Notify Now menu command; that will send an email with placeholder values. If you don’t receive the email, check the notifier settings.

The new notifier will then be available for that test and any others you want to use it in:

Test notifiers
